2024 Technical Support Instrument

2024 Technical Support Instrument

The DG REFORM thematic session on “Overcoming barriers to regional development” will present the opportunities for technical support available to Member States under the TSI 2024 Flagship.

European Sustainable Energy Week 2023

European Sustainable Energy Week 2023

The European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) is the biggest annual event dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe. EUSEW 2023 marks the 17th edition. EUSEW organises a series of activities aiming to bring together the community of people who care about building a secure and clean energy future for the next generations. Launched in 2007 by the European Commission, EUSEW has been organised annually and since April 2021 by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA), in close cooperation with the Directorate-General for Energy.

Aides européennes dans le cadre du financement CEF Transports

Aides européennes dans le cadre du financement CEF Transports

En septembre 2023 la Commission européenne lancera les appels à projets dans le cadre du CEF Transport. La Programme Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) s’adresse à des projets d’études et de travaux sur les infrastructures routières, ferroviaires et fluviales du réseau transeuropéen du transport (RTE-T) contribuant aux objectifs de décarbonation et de mobilité durable et intelligente